Construction Hauling Posts & News From Tucker Trucking
How to use Construction Aggregates Efficiently
The essential nature of aggregates to the construction industry is no secret. They are literally the building blocks of our society. Knowing which aggregates to use, safety, and best practices for material management will help your projects run as efficiently as...
How to Haul Aggregates Safely
What are Aggregates? If you are a part of any kind of large-scale construction project you’re likely dealing with aggregates. Aggregates are raw, typically medium-grained material used to add strength to composite materials. Due to its high hydraulic conductivity...
Uses of Gravel in Construction
When it comes to gravel there is a lot to unravel. These small stones are used in everything from erosion control to concrete, making them a rock star in the construction industry. Gravel is used in nearly all modern construction projects. From domestic home building...
What are the Differences Between Natural & Artificial Sand in Construction?
Sand on the beach is different from the sand in the desert or sand used for concrete. Read more about what makes different sands unique and which sand is best for your construction projects.
Tandem Dump Trucks 101
Tandem Dump Trucks 101 Dump trucks have been a key staple in the construction industry for over 100 years. Many different types have been invented throughout their history to adapt to the ever-changing construction world. They have advanced considerably since the...
Which Aggregate is Best for your Construction Job?
The world of construction can be confusing, especially when it comes to the materials that are used. One of the most important materials used in construction projects are called aggregates. Aggregates can have different definitions depending on the context. In this...
Common Dump Trucks Used in Construction
Different Trucks for Different Projects — How Do They Work? The earliest use of dump trucks can be traced back to the 19th century, when mining for coal was extremely labor intensive. Back then, the first dump truck was designed much like a big trough with two horses...